Final Author Instructions
We request you to prepare and upload a 1.5-minute video presentation summarizing your work. This will be posted within your presentation time slot on the BHI-BSN 2021 on-demand virtual platform. Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format (more details below). Instructions for recording your video:

Poster Session Video Duration: 1.5 MinutesFile size: 100MB max
Video file format: mp4
Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and non-compliant files may not be uploaded.

Please ensure your video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a mention to IEEE BHI-BSN 2021
Uploading your video (Deadline: July 12, 2021)
Speaker Instructions

1) Visit the Speaker Submission Webform that was emailed to you
2) Choose which author is the presenting author
3) Fill out your Speaker Information
     a) Optional
     i) Upload a Speaker headshot photo
     ii) Include a Speaker Biography in the available text field
4) Upload your Presentation Data

a) video in mp4 format (max of 100MB is allowed)
b) Upload PDF of your presentation slides
c) Upload PDF Poster
        i) Posters should be submitted in a PDF format and one page in length
5) Wait for your video to finish uploading into the system
6) Submit the form by selecting the Submit button at the bottom of the screen
7) A confirmation message will be presented upon successful submission and a confirmation will be emailed to you
i) Be sure to retain this information in case you need to make future updates to your submission
Use the following Zoom Background for your presentations: Download HERE
If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact Coral Miller at
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